Studied at HfM „Hanns Eisler“ Berlin,

at Kungligan Musikhögskolan Stockholm.

Masters at Jazzinstitut Berlin.

Wrote compositions for solo instruments, ensembles, choir, orchestra. 

also for film, TV, and radio (like Rias Bigband and NDR Bigband) as well as for theatre and cd productions.

Won awards such as the Karl- Hofer- Award, Award for best German University Ensemble for his trio Tritorn, and  received grants by the Berlin Senat, Nordiska Kulturfondet, British Arts Council, Deutscher Musikrat, and Musikfonds. Since 2021 Stiftung Arvore Artist.

Toured and played on festivals in the USA, UK, Japan, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Colombia, Romania, South Korea, Senegal, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Israel, Ghana, Algeria, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, and of course Germany.

Recently teaching at the University for Music and Theatre in Rostock.

For more detailed information check the following pages for projects and download a curriculum or foto on the last page: Contact & Downloads

Composer & Pianist